♦月隨手記無法歸類,總是中英參雜,多多包涵 ♦請好好督促我把遊記乖乖寫完,時間一拉長我就會越來越懶 XD ♦ Recommend Music : Mono ♦ 關於代購相關文章,請聯結http://littlestore.pixnet.net/blog

目前分類:Here's English (42)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2013-04-05 Apirl note- time to go back to the start point (18) (0)
2013-03-22 March thoughts (11) (0)
2013-02-10 February note (8) (0)
2013-01-11 January, 2013- the word isn't ended yet. (11) (0)
2012-11-02 November- winter is at the corner (9) (0)
2012-10-18 October - the Red October (18) (1)
2012-09-05 September - restart. I want bon voyage! (33) (1)
2012-07-12 July-doomed, dull (10) (0)
2012-03-12 March (8) (0)
2012-01-12 Januar- beginning and continuing (14) (1)
2011-12-03 December- the final and the latest as well (15) (0)
2011-11-09 November thoughts (10) (0)
2011-10-05 October- notes (30) (2)
2011-09-02 September - facing the challenge. Overcome it, break it through, then it will be yours (16) (1)
2011-07-08 July- there's only one word in this month- HOT (35) (2)
2011-06-29 human nature (23) (2)
2011-06-18 June - An ending is also a beginning, and vice versa! (10) (0)
2011-05-08 Things and abilities you should be capable of...(to be finished..) (3) (0)
2011-05-06 May- things are getting done/down? (23) (2)
2011-04-05 April (9) (0)
2011-03-06 March comes in a hurry but with 3/4 tempo silently (44) (8)
2011-02-09 February -- awaiting challenge won't wait for you ready (27) (1)
2011-01-14 Fresh January- another year, the same person (39) (3)
2010-12-26 look back (8) (0)
2010-12-18 Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts (56) (0)
2010-12-02 December/ speak more, do more and laugh more (26) (3)
2010-11-14 November Whisper (38) (1)
2010-11-11 still a challenge (10) (1)
2010-10-24 life is chaotic (14) (1)
2010-10-09 the thing I am sure (35) (1)
2010-10-03 Daily notes of Oct. (renew randomly) (57) (2)
2010-09-28 daily note of 9/27 (28) (2)
2010-09-04 密碼文章 I ain't an... (4) (0)
2010-09-04 the diary of Sep. (101) (13)
2010-08-30 update record (33) (3)
2009-11-24 then (1) (0)
2009-11-22 time-competing (2) (0)
2009-10-26 reading (2) (0)
2009-09-06 very well.... (3) (6)
2009-08-31 Can't we just live simple? (3) (0)
2009-08-29 FB (4) (2)
2009-08-15 (0) (1)