May 31st (Tue)
"I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes."
--Yves Saint Laurent
May 22nd (Sun)
很多人常說 對事情不要太過於執著
因為過於執著所造成的執念 只會是讓自己不快樂得來源而已
所以要拿的起 放的下 要把許多東西都看得自然稀鬆平常 處之泰然
但更多的時候 我卻是想
如果每的人都皆是如此的話 往好處想 大家都和樂融融 相安無事
如果如此平靜的處世態度 是否在某些時候似乎感覺上缺少了積極進取的心呢
不斷告訴著自己不在意 不在乎 沒什麼
我以為許多時候 每個人有些許自己的個人色彩
而是很多時候 我以為 人生不過就著麼長
但 在仍有力氣做點什麼的時候 更多時候多一點點衝進及朝自己理想向前的態度
不要過於執著 不要過於拘泥於一件事
試想 如果太多的事情就因為如此輕易的放下了
該學會轉另一個方向的時候 就該轉另一個方向
平淡的看每件事 確實事可以達到平心靜氣的境界
但諷刺一點的說 不是每個人從年輕的時候就要往修行的方向走的
東方文化在於更多時候是教人心胸寬大 不要和別人計較
受了點悶虧不受賞識不算什麼 別的地方自會另有一片藍天
什麼時候該有拿的起放的下的心態 還是要看時機與場合的
我不認為 那應該拿來被當作是每個人的原則方針
世界還是要有一點生氣和變化才對 是嗎?
May 18th (Wed)
Dear, i gave you my heart but you throwed it up in the trash.
Was that your fault or I shameless gave it to you, so I deserve that?
maybe you have no obligation to accept things you don't want;
nor I have absolutely responsiblities to let you make me down.
May 17th --2 (Tue)
Gosh...., that was a furious statement, and was a very strong declaration.
I was schocked completely. Glad I decided to skip the strom in time.
Experiences taught me very well. People who just broke up are too weird to understand.
Neither I have patient to listen to nor I have any interests to understand.
Stay away and keep some distances are the best way to face the situation.
I had a great lesson before. Unless things are gettin' much clear,
I won't get the trap again.
But, wish the best to those people.
Only they know how to get out of anger and sorrow though it takes long time.
May 17th (Tue)
It seems like I didn't update something new for a while.
But, different thoughts and feelings are indeed coming to me these days.
I just don't know where to start it.
Needless to say, laziness is always the most common
excuse that I don't keep tracking my life and thoughts.
Many times, I just accidentally found out something different from others here.
Not very sure was that good or bad. But, one thing I can sure is it seems like the situation
is relatively rare here.
Nevertheless, there is no need to be proud or something. But, nobody knows where
will the rare characteristic lead to afterward. It might be cool and very special at this moment,
but it might be not so precious in a long run.
I am keeping to search the answers. However, ture thoughts and suggestions are the only
two things I would take in. Too many lies and fakes fill up this world.
Learn how to tell the truly genuineness and valuable relationship but still believe
the honesty and plainness do exist still.
May 7th (Sat.)
Very unhappy!!!!! I wanna scream!!!
I can feel there are more than 10 monsters screaming in my mind now!!!
May 6th (Fri.)
ich habe keine gute temperament.
Dies ist ohne Zweifel
May 5th (Thu)
I wonder,
sometimes things are hard to deal with because it takes a long time to find out the solution.
on the other hand, it could be also hard when things are coped in a second because nothing else
you can make it up again.