Probably many friends have heard me yelling about my coming mid-term exams.
Right. I'm going to have those exams next week.
And the truth is those classes materials have been piled up to the ceiling hight... I'm no kidding!
Strangely, my mind and body seem going reverse directions. Can they make a consensus which makes me feel more comfortable?
For the first time, I start to miss Taiwan food because it's soooo~~ convenient and cheap, and most importantly, they save your time!!
That's the reason I miss them most =P! I guess I am tired of preparing meals all the time.
I can eat something unhealthy, too. But, I think that's not a good idea....
Maybe I will soon become the mode of eating randomly. Who knows?
In fact, here are some good restaurants, but the problems is I don't have to taste them and they are usually expensive. Sigh...
As a poor grad student, you won't want to spend so much time and money on that.
Oh, my mind and body go opposite directions because, for example, I feel calm in my mind, but actually I may have under great pressure already.
I have pimples on my face, which is the first time I have so many pimples because of the stress.... = = but my heart feels fine still!!
I do feel huge pressure. It's not easy to catch those classes....
I am not trying to comfort myself, but, if those domestic students all feel so, it's obvious our program is really runs like a JET!
Nevertheless, I can feel and tell I need as much improvements as possible so bad.
Luckily, I have a good roommate who wills to listen to me and shares things/opinions with me.
Though I worry about she may not understand what I tried to express many times...=P
Thanksfully, she's really nice and patient to endure me all the time.
And, to some of my classmates. They are really nice and friendly.
Hope I can have more encouragement and improvements.
ps: seems like there is no hard words in my articles......