One of the most unforgettable day I've ever been which starts from night to the dawn of 12/1 (1:30am) til the evening (5:30pm)
Just like they said, the report is never end......
Slept for two hours at the dawn and went back to fight with the reports a whole day.
Hope she knows what I am talking about in my reports lol!
Just don't look at them too carefully, then everything is perfect! =P
I was in boston. Hope I can type the travel diary latter.
I was stuffed by horrible reports and up coming exams as soon as I go back to the real life.
11/21 (Sat.)
"We are talking of the use of the data, not participation in these heinous studies."
cite from Dr. Benjamin Freedman, formerly a bioethicist at McGill University in Montreal
It's jus like you got some fresh human bodies being cut and says,
"we are talking about the edible ways of the meat, not where and how the source of the suppliers."
11/20 (Fri.)
It's so bad to do the Nazi assignment before you go to bed. Such horrible things happened.
Yet, what astonished me more is not those just chill down every nomal human being's spine while you read it,
but people who denied the holocaust and atrocities.
More intolerably, I can't imagine why there were people
who have done those inhuman things or even just came up the ideas.
Ten millions times sadness that happened yesterday.
11/19 (Fri.)
Finally, the first hang-out festival was held today. Glad I went and had some fun there.
Though food was not important to me, but there were some good dishes.
I tried to dance a little bit there =P though it was kind of embarassing and awkward. But at least I tried... haha
Then, it was great to have chatting with a good friend.
However, I believe she refused something because I seemed to need a friend being with.
I felt sorry if she canceled something important, and especially with someone.
By the way, though I heard a news from the friend, which is something surprised me a little bit but
also a thing I could expect which would happen only sooner or later.
Anyway, I appreciate that chat.
Am going to Boston next week. (on thanksgiving)
I don't know why I'm not excited about that... maybe school life supressed me too much.. =P
By the way, I have to say font size 12 is really ugly but unfortunatelly good to eyes. >W<
11/17 (Wed.)
I was so upset about some news. Thanks to I knew some kind and sweet friends here.
It was so warm to talk to them.
11/16 (Tue.)
Had a great talk with a very smart friend. Such a generous person and clever.
I'm so lucky to know some people, and also appreciate them don't think I'm awkward or too introvert.
Besides, thanks a million for their encouragements which are so incentive and heartening.
11/14 (Sun.)
進化到可以用烤吐司機烤薯餅... =) 效果完全不輸烤箱
話說我連鬆餅都用烤吐司機烤了. 哈!
11/10 (Wed.)
If I ever hurt you in order to protect myself,
that's because you've hurt me so bad and I can't take it any more.
How many chances should one be given?
*note: read poetry and I miss you.
11/9 (Tue.)
Had nightmare last night.
Maggots are everywhere.
The most terrified thing to me in this corporal world.
Had goose bumps in the dream and the reality as well.