<The week of 14th~20th>
Starting a new cycle of class with a bit literature scent. It might be, at least, 1 year ago I actually finished reading a book/novel (maybe not?).
It was nice to get a touch with the good films, plays and even stories in early age. I always feel books and music are the food of soul. Without feeding myself some decent works awhile, I could feel my brain and heart are empty.
The films I've watched recently are really nice and somehow inspiring, or even controversial I think.
Documentaries such as, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. A few really old films (black and white films), Inherit the wind, and All my sons.
Others like:
Doubt (2008) ★★★
Do the right thing (1989) ★★★★
Crucible (1996) ★★★
All my sons (1948) ★★★
Angels in America (mini TV series 2003-) ★★★
Fiddler on the roof 屋頂上的提琴手 (1971) ★★★★★
Fiddler on the roof!! The one I always wanted to watch so long.
Every movie here I believe they are worth of recommendations. Their stories are usually meaningful and discussable from one to another. Because of this, I do believe it's worth to read something worthwhile, and deep. If lucky, I may get more different perspective to see things and the world.
I was trapped in the memory. It is over, I kept telling myself in mind over and over again. However, sometims, I could feel the seed of the hurt and sadness is rooting in the bottom, obstinately refusing to get over the tragedy, to me. How ridiculous!
Sometimes, I cannot believe how on earth my thoughts keep fliping back to those lies and hurts while I know there's nothing left there, and nothing worth to look at it again. As I clearly know we are as parallel as two universes, you felt nothing about all of all, and these, after I made my mind turing back to you.
I know what you may say if there were an argument before I walked away all the mess. Every imaginary word of you I could think of, I will have perfectly testimonies against your statement. Yet, you have more and more to turn me in the guilt position that, I was the one who said everything and did everything toward the consequence, like what you have said to me before. It was always me, the wrong one, the immature and inexperienced one. You were the right one as usual. I knew even I decided this, you would just let go your hands and tell me: it's your wish, you decided it and for your own good.
How could I not be disappointed with you, and feel damn stone cold when facing your attitude like that?
There shall be no disagreement between the only answer, which you are in denial all the time.
Take back your spell. I shall have said to you, and to myself. You were free and already forgot. I should not be the one who sorrows and curls at the corner.
I wish you could feel half of my pain until my full recovery.
<The week of 21th~27th>
A wonderful off-broadway show night, Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris (1968), in a small theater.
Going with a good friend and other folks. It's always nice to watch some decent art in person. Feeing the intimate and moving from the cast directly.
And more good movies from this week:
On Golden pond 金色池塘 (1981) ★★★★★
The Laramie project (2002 TV) ★★★
The color purple 紫色姐妹花(1985) ★★★★★
The shawshank redemption 刺激1995 (台)/ 肖申克的救贖 (陸) (1994) ★★★★
The color purple is adpated by the noval written by author Alice Walker. It is a Pulitzer Award novel. I think there is no doubt that the content of the story was controversial to shocking to many people. The story tells about issues back then, and the way it describes dragging all your intention to it. There is nothing exaggerated or overdone the stream of the story. It simply tells you what had happened and what there were happening little by little as you see the history by your own. There are heartborken scenes that you even bear to watch until things start getting better, and you finally see the change and hope are still there, tiny but substantial.
It is a wonderful written novel, so is the movie. Highly recommended!!
As for he sahwshank redemption, from the movie rating on IMDB its a must-see movie from many audience and reviewers. It is really a movie worth to watch! I found it was absolutely amazing to know how a man could enduce the sin he never done for almost his lifetime but still grabing the good hope deep in his mind. The charcter is surely in the darkest place, where you see no end and exit ahead of you. Yet, he is always calm, reasonable and reliable to all his companies, even his superiors, which you never thought what he's actually up to his mind all the time. It's a movie to make you smile at times, and knowing there's always a light existing until the last minute.
Friends and I went to Skyline hopeing to catch the moment appreciating the autumn view. Though we left home a bit late, the view along the drive is still beautifully delighted to eyes. We thought we may see some sunset at least when we arrived there. However, the weather wasn't the cooperative due to the approaching super hurricane Sandy. Nevertheless, I found myself still so enjoying the feeling of mountain and trees.
<The week of 28th to 31st>
Sunday morning, everyone so worried about the monsterous hurricane Sanday. It's "Hurricane in century" as the news described. It was really a huge monster that you feel so intimidating and terrifying from the satellite pictures. Where we live is a stree that suffered flood last year, so residents here hurried to get their house prepared by moving the basement stuff up to higher livel, or buying grocery as much as possible for future consideration. Everyone was alert. Sandy started showing her power from the night. Schools and public transport were close on next day.
Monday, dozens of warning texts and notifications were sent to our phones. Sever flood and strong wind may be life-threatening.
Friend and I hurried to grocery at the afternoon since we heard many of the stores were robbed (?) empty by customers.
Rain and strong wind started from the afternnon. Wind come faster than the rain. It roared outside, strongly and fiercely. Around 5-6 pm, the stremflow is getting higher to the alarm level, so we quickly moved the stuff downstairs up to the living room.
Went out to take a look at the river and felt like it was freezing cold outside. We were walking in the fridge. The temperature were about 11C, but it felt like 0C accroding to the forecast. Policemen came later around 8pm to tell us it's better to leave the home. We were still watching, hearing the news from radio and internet hoping everything is gonna be fine so that we don't have to leave the house.
The power went out back and fourth few times. The longest one was about 10 min long while I was about to go shower.
Luckily, we are fine, safe and sound. Even the backyeard looks ok though. For safety concern, schools and most of works are still of on Tuesday.
Today is Wednesday, though Sandy is still in the States but DC seems back to normal life again. The weather and sun are nice as if there were nothing happened.
So glad we were survived!! :)