

3/27 (Tue)


It's an over-reacting.

It's an overwhelming emotion. 

It keeps stimulating.....


Maybe we're too straight or,

maybe we're too used to hiding our emotion most of time,

so when we try to speak out something, it's usually scaring everyone away.

They thought they saw another person on us, which they may just see the true color of ourselves sometimes.


But sorry, this is the way I am. I know how to respect people, but there's always a boundary there.

I want to live on the way that makes me I am living, not for suiting others' thoughts. 



3/22 (Thu)

When you find out that most people surrounded are more talktive than you,

then you start to become silent.  


3/21 (Wed.)

I finally can realize, and it's acutally happening to me that

Frankie.b 0 is super tight but,

William rast 23 is just the fit to me at this time.

After all these months I've been gaining so much weight :/



3/20 (Tue)

我喜歡 以自己的步調過著自己想過的生活

如果人是一種 需要目標才能向前的動物

那些個目標 該是為了自己 之後才是為了家人朋友

我們都該為了自己而活  為了自己重要的人事物而活





而 女性也不該是為悅己者容 才覺得有存在價值的意義

為什麼要為了別人 而好好的裝扮自己?


不為別人開心 (當然別人開心也是好)  而是因為了自己的好心情


許多法國女性的穿著會讓人覺得很亮眼 很有自己的風格

我以為 是因為他們是為自己打扮 有自己的想法 自己的自信


3/18 (Sun)


I don't like people talk about gossip all the time.

I hate the reading on my bed is not those novels or books I like

but papers and all the academic reading.

Why can't we just leave human relationship simple and clear?


3/11 (Sun)

According to the French movies style, if i wasn't a French in my last life,

then I shall have a hint of french blood in my vascular. 


    創作者 yin 的頭像

    It's monologue

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