1/28 (Fri.)
I so eager to be stronger, more independent and having more friends here.
(even a cutie wish I could be less independent here in the blog... = =.
However, I want to be more independent and more mature on the contrary)
Unfortunately, I seem a born person who's always keeping somewhat distance from others and passive attitude in most of time.
Sometimes, I want to be more positive to attend activities, but also keep life quality as well.
But, it's so ironic. If you want to enjoy your life, you gotta explore yourself and this world more as well.
Staying home and sticking yourself with study is never a way to lead to knowledgeable and social.
(though the latter might be not what I want)
As a matter of fact, I do believe this word "birds of a feather flock together".
It always happened to me wherever I am in Taiwan or here right now.
Close friends of mine are never so girly or way too dependent.
So soon that January almost comes to the end, I'm still not used to going back to the new semester yet.
My heart seemed to be frozen in the winter break, and there is no sign it would be back in a short time.....
Too bad I still don't have completely confident that I can speak English well.......
It makes me so grumpy because I don't know how much time/many years
it takes until I can speak as fluent as an half American even though there were already some people feel like
I don't look like a 100% asian....but, that's not the POINT!
I mean, to use words like them and to understand bunches of slangs seems like a long journey to me....
Also, writing better articles is another critical subject for me as well....
Gosh.... I am so self-demanded to myself sometimes. I feel annoyed to myself too!
1/26 (Wed.)
So frustrated that I had hard time with the post doctoral in my internship lab.
His thick accent usually makes me so confuse and depress that
is that because of my English is so bad that I couldn't understand him?
Besides, I think he dislikes/not satisfies with me more or less....
Uuuggghhhh.... It's a so annoying situation that I have to turn in my internship paper,
which should be like a journal-type essay, by the mid-April.
How could I make it in such a short time? Not to mention I am obviously having a huge communication problem with the guy!
I've never been so reluctant to do a research project. I mean, I don't even want to step into my lab.
The pressure he gave to me is like I'm sort of burden to him, or more precisely, I may be an idiot to him....
I bet he doesn't even believe I've done western blot ten thousands times that I don't want to touch it any more!
To be frank, his way is much more redundant to me!
By the way, let me have one day off tomorrow!!!
1/18 (Tue.)
So need to get back below 100 pounds....
I guess I had too much pizza and ice cream lately. Very, very bad.......
Oh... and too much chocolate as well...orz
1/16 (Sun.)
Went out for a little bit with roommie. It was fun!
And then, I thought of something. It was happened some other day.
I just recalled if I don't write it down, I probably will forget that like forever.
(they were two stories people thought I don't look like a Taiwanese)
Here is the thing,
I was with my grandaunt and her family in my winter break most of the time.
Once we went to a beautiful garden (Longwood gardens) with her friends.
After finishing the enjoyful view in the garden, which was almost 2 or 3 pm in the noon already,
we decided to go for lunch, and actually everyone was very hungry at that time.
The restaurant we went was a Chinese restaurant and it was also the one my grandaunt worked before.
So, the manager there was grandaunt's friend.
While we were deciding the lunch (the manager helped us to order), but she kept speaking English to me,
so I used English to replied her as well.
Then, after few more seconds, my grandaunt told her (the manager), she could speak Chinese to me since
I am from Taiwan, there was no need to speak in English with me.
So, the manager was surprised because she thought I was living here or borned here.......
Besides, she said, I don't look like an exactly Taiwanese, she also felt like my chinese seems not very well,
plus, I don't have any accents to her.
Well, this is first time I heard somebody said I don't look like an Asian and my Chinese was not very good....
What a funny thing.
Few days ago, I went to post office for something.
The officer was a Taiwanese lady. She was very nice to me all the time.
Then, there was a guy working at the back of service counter as well.
I forgot what they were talking about.
Suddenly, I heard the guy said: look at her, she's not a Chinese, she's an American. ( he meant me)
I was looking around and thinking: is he talking about me?
And, yes, he was. The guy looks like an Mexican or an ABC.
So, the lady explaind to him, no, I'm not an American.
He was surprised and asked me was that real?
He said, I look like a mix and he felt like I'm an American......
According to their words, I don't know should I be happy or not....?
1/15 (Sat.)
It makes you have a nice mood when you see a cute face in the early morning.
1/14 (Fri.)
Living with a handsome guy is such a shy thing.
1/13 (Thursday)
因為大家總是說"急事緩辦", 愈要緊的事, 愈急是愈做不好的
First day of new semester.
The first class of this semester was cancer pathology.
In fact, it was an interesting class. You learned more about cancers, the definition, the origin and many specific terms of pathology.
However, It's gonna be another hard work to me that I have to handle, I'm sure.
To memorize those terms and further understand why they are used or caused in diseases.
The funny thing was the second class.
I met another good friend in that class. She's still so cute and pretty >w<
Actually, that class confused me a lot. I totally had no idea what was going on at that class.
Though the instructors were very, very nice. I nvever seen any professors as nice as them.
But, the truth is, the pace of that class was so fast because all of the other students understood what was going on in that class.
My friends were smart people. I'm sure even they didn't catch the class at first, but they should figure it out at the end.
And, here came to the funny part.
After the professor gave three of us the syllabus of the class.
I just noticed the title of the class is completely different from the one I registered before.
"we went to the wrong class without notice!!!".....
So, after the class, we went to the professor to ask what happened with the original class.
Because we didn't go to the wrong classroom actually, but why the course was a different one?
Then, what surprised us was all the GU followed the so-called "monday schedule" (what the hell of that??? = =)
Who camp up the idea that you're on the another day except Monday, but you have to follow the Monday class schedule.
Such a confusing policy! Though they (the professors) were surprised we never followed the idea just like we found out
every program except ours is following this policy always.
And I don't know if they were surprised more or we were surprised more at that moment.
But, apprently, both sides just realized the truth like Columbus found out the new continent.
So funny but also embarrasing...... lol....
1/11 (Tue.)
Went to School because of some inevitable reasons though the next day was official start day of new semester.
Anyway, I met one of my best friends in school and had a lots of talk >w<
Such a warm and sweet thing!
Good to see her again!! It was like the winter break didn't exist, we just seperated in yesterday! ha!
We chatted like I was chatting with Carol, Dau, ET.
Both of us felt we haven't ready for the new semester lol.... I mean, who else would feel ready for a new semester?
Like one of my classmates said : winter break, you're too short, I demend to refund!
I can't agree with her more! =P