12/30 (Fri) 


Soon, the last day of 2011 will come and we all will be entering 2012.

In the past 2 weeks, my feelings and emotions were like taking the roller coaster, up and down.

Meanwhile, I also found out how different between me and friends around me now.

It always surprises me that even we may have similar cultural background, 

but the truth is, the way we evaluate and see the world is apparently different from each other.

Wther than the difference, the narrowness and restriction veiw I heard and saw from others amazed my in many ways.

Thus, I really realized why people can really act so differently. 


We should never assume we are more mature and having more insights than others, 

however, things revealed in front of eyes often make us have to admit one can be educated incorrect

because they have no chance to know the real world, and even see the world from other directions. 

Then, it's getting harder to have profound communication with them 

due to the rooted thoughts which one has been recieving for a long time, can't be changed easily.


Then, you don't want to be arrogant or proud to feel the subtle difference among you and others;

but the gap is there. So obvious and clear. Nowhere to hide.



12/15 (Thu)

每個單純善良的小孩 在長大後的現實世界中一定要學會及適應的事   就是



臉皮不厚  是很難在險惡的環境鐘生長下去的

因為  在周遭是厚臉皮的人群中


只會突顯 個人適應不良 沒有破釜沈舟的決心....








不過 人算果然真不如天算

最近發生的事 讓我需要換個背景順帶換換心情




外在也好 內在也好

總是這樣的  好似為了別人才把真實的自己綁住藏起來


冀望以不同自我帶動新的心情和 生活態度



btw, finals start tomorrow.... that sucks..... 


12/9 (Fri)


I hope the next phase in my life is a period of time that I can do something more laid-back and colorful,

also less stressful.

Have a great afternoon to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee.

Have a leisure to enjoy a novel, or a nice walking in a pretty place

or, Just doing nothing to relax myself and plan my future.

Get myself complete back again. 


12/6 (Tue)


X友人對我說: ”親愛的 你真的該開始和別人試著交個男朋友看看了  如果你之前一直都沒和別人談過的話

因為你聽起來 已經給你自己越來越的多限制和約束... 會把你自己綁住的....”


阿....我給我自己限制了嗎? 我從來不覺得我在交往這件事上給了一定的條件阿....

如果真要我說點什麼  只能說沒讓我有興趣的人吧...(交友圈太小?)

我問了X友人  為什麼感覺我設得條件越來越多 因為我從不覺得我又設什麼條件...

X倒也答不上來  說是總覺得我開始設了限制 在這事情上

是一個無解題吧... 我想...



放眼望去 仔細想想 根本沒一個選項.....




12/4 (Sun)


"If we confine ourselves to one life role, no matter how pleasant it seems at first, 

we starve emotionally and psychologically. 

We need a change and balance in our daily lives. 

We need sometimes to dress up and sometimes to lie around in torn jeans. . . .

 Even a grimy factory can afford some relief from a grimy kitchen and vice versa."  

-Faye J. Crosby (20th century), U.S. professor. Juggling, ch. 4 (1991)


12/2 (Fri.)


I feel so sorry to say this.

But I honestly don't know why there are people thinking and feeling they can't face the time while being alone out of there.

Having no idea what to do, and even feeling insecure to face themselves. 

I feel really, really sorry to say this, but I think that syndrome was completely odd and sort of even unacceptable to me.

I can't realize it, so to speak.

Unless we can conclude that insecurity and unease are resulted from lacking self-confidence to some extent,

meaning an overwhelming inner catastrophe which the objects don't even realize it.


There are always things you can do just by yourself except relaxing at home, which is also a good option as well.

Things that interest you and things you want to do so long.

How on earth you can't pick up yourself when no one is surrounded. That doesn't even make sense to me.


Maybe we're too used to being alone and independent as well. 

Life is occupied with tons of to-do lists in our life, and many of which can't be done easily,

so even a few days-off is an luxury to people like us.

Try to enjoy your life, everyone. Life is ongoing.

It is upmost unbelievable to hear people fear to be alone because that's too lonely.

No one should live depending on otheres, that's very pathetic.

If you feel that, I think you don't know yourself well.

You don't know what you want, you're life is kinda of empty and be wasted.

You don't know how much you missed just by being that kind of attitude.


Nobody knows who you're gonna be in your next life! 

Live in the moment!


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    It's monologue

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