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目前分類:Here's English (42)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


I was chatting to my mom casually, then the phone rang. It's about the time to tune my piano again.

Mom declined the service at once. I told the piano tuner what she said, but I was wondering how long my piano hasn't been tuned since I was gone away home. She said it's no use to tune the piano because no one is touching it any more and even considered to sell the piano. I was a bit unhappy to hear about that. What's wrong with my piano? It's not standing in anybody's way at home. My piano is silently sitting in the corner on the 3rd floor. Neglected. 

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Every time I have true heart broken, it resutls in leading myself to be a better and more independent female, and living a better life as well. At least that's what I think. I don't know if that was some kind of positive thinking, or some sort of a determination after a disastrous despair. Whichever it is, I think the result is better rather than just being totally doomed because of a despicable and worthless jerk.

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Hardly believe it's the second time to catch a cold in this year. I thought it was worse enough when I was sick last time, I was wrong apparently. Because I had no big problem with sleeping even though the occasional fever at night. But this time, although the symptoms are less than the last flu symptoms, the severity of certain symptoms can really make you so much painful in another way. I, suffered from most of the nasal problems particularly this time, which drained down my energy and mood together. It has been many years that I have such an awful sickness. 

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Some weird situation just happened to me. While I was thinking should I take the challenge or not, everything is like a bullet rushing out already.

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After Sandy's crazy smashing, it seems the winter is approaching faster than it used to be.

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<The week of 14th~20th>

Starting a new cycle of class with a bit literature scent. It might be, at least, 1 year ago I actually finished reading a book/novel (maybe not?).

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9/26-10/1 (Tue-Sun)

我不在DC  我在維多利亞島喝下午茶 溫哥華看海景 西雅圖喝咖啡

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July 30th (Mon)


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3/27 (Tue)


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1/23  (Mon)

It's just the 3rd week of the new semester.

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12/30 (Fri) 


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11/27 (Sun)

My lovely holiday, which has already almost gone in less than 12 hours.

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10/30 (Sat)

Suddenly, I thought of those few words I said before, which I like a lot.

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9/8 (Thursday)


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7/30 (Sat.)

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I believe human nature is a complex.

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June 30th (Thur)

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My thoughts are always jumping from one spot to another spot.

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May 31st (Tue)


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  • Apr 05 Tue 2011 11:13
  • April




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