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二度搬家我的網誌。雖然也是因為舊網誌的服務系統做了一些奇怪的更新改革才讓我決定再一次搬家,不過搬網誌真是一件很費勁的事,特別是這次似乎無法把將所有的舊文章都一次帶來這邊,讓我感覺複雜上加複雜。Google blogger 雖說從很久以前就知道了,不過當時總嫌它的介面不夠人性化和美觀,所以一直不想入住 :p 。 但,這次看起來似乎已經比以前進化了許多,背景選擇多了許多,很多小東西都可以隨個人喜好調整 :) 而且似乎可以無限制地開網誌再把它合併。

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Never have I thought I am rebellious until these years, but I think the seed of having felt rebellious was always deep in my mind.

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I was chatting to my mom casually, then the phone rang. It's about the time to tune my piano again.

Mom declined the service at once. I told the piano tuner what she said, but I was wondering how long my piano hasn't been tuned since I was gone away home. She said it's no use to tune the piano because no one is touching it any more and even considered to sell the piano. I was a bit unhappy to hear about that. What's wrong with my piano? It's not standing in anybody's way at home. My piano is silently sitting in the corner on the 3rd floor. Neglected. 

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Every time I have true heart broken, it resutls in leading myself to be a better and more independent female, and living a better life as well. At least that's what I think. I don't know if that was some kind of positive thinking, or some sort of a determination after a disastrous despair. Whichever it is, I think the result is better rather than just being totally doomed because of a despicable and worthless jerk.

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  • Mar 05 Tue 2013 05:22
  • 俠氣



時常覺得我的心眼是個很容易就變成雞眼般小的壞人。或許該說,大部份的時候,在短短的一段時間將別人的個性本質在心中有所定論,不見得是正評或負評,只是對別人的個性或是喜好在心中有個底,已經算是與生俱來的本能了。在我認識的所有朋友之中,有兩對情侶 (有一對目前已經結婚了,不過當初認識時還是交往中的情侶),讓我在認識沒多久後,金庸小說裡的俠客俠女的感覺立即在心中浮現。這兩對朋友我是先後認識的,兩對也互不認識,但我很深的感受到他們深具了現代人或多或少或缺的許多美德,我打從心裡非常欣賞甚至敬佩這兩對,也覺得很榮幸可以認識這樣的人,雖然沒有人是完美的,可是我覺得這四位友人的本質卻會讓人感到乾淨明亮過於許多其他人。或許我自認為對於人性和和這個社會有所程度的瞭解,也因為我不是多正直心地善良的人(?),因此對於能有本質這麼善良正直的人還存在,堅信美好的理念,和許多人跟這個社會形成了強烈的對比,才會在認識沒多久後對於他們的感覺就像是現代的俠客俠女一樣。

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 Mozart's Sister (法: Nannerl, la soeur de Mozart 中: 莫扎特和他的姊姊) 這部2010年上映的法國電影,雖然中文譯名為莫札特和他的姊姊,但只有莫扎特的姊姊是重點而已。Mozart's Sister      


音樂史上耳熟能詳的天才兒童Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 沃夫岡・阿瑪迪斯・莫扎特,卻很少人知道他有一名長他四歲半的姊姊,Maria Anna Mozart,小名為Nannerl (娜娜)。同樣是從小就顯露音樂天才的女生,卻因為當時社會對女性的不重視,以及莫札特爸爸對於沃夫岡的寵愛及過度重視,Nannerl過人的音樂才能自小就被壓抑,只能是沃夫岡的陪襯,活在弟弟的陰影裡,音樂上的天份也不受父親的重視和支持,就這樣抹滅了極有可能是音樂史上第一位天才女音樂家誕生的可能性,實在是非常的可惜。


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Hardly believe it's the second time to catch a cold in this year. I thought it was worse enough when I was sick last time, I was wrong apparently. Because I had no big problem with sleeping even though the occasional fever at night. But this time, although the symptoms are less than the last flu symptoms, the severity of certain symptoms can really make you so much painful in another way. I, suffered from most of the nasal problems particularly this time, which drained down my energy and mood together. It has been many years that I have such an awful sickness. 

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