Of course!!
Absolutely not "Hello Kitty" = =
(It makes me feel unconfortable when every time I see Hello Kitty
especially I am the person who have hugh passion with the cat kinds...
Hello kitty has no attraction to me at all)
I went out for something last night.
While I was making a turn at a corner nearby my apratment, (I rode my scooter of course)
a kitty ran out from the sidewalk suddenly....>"
Though it was not a very very little kitty, but you might know it was still a little cat by its movement.
Maybe just few months big.
It seemes like it did not notice so many mobiles and scooters on the road.
What it cared is to cross the road.
( thanksfully it was red light on that time)
I was scared by the instant,
and fortunately I did not ride so fast that can stop as soon as possible.
However, the kitty found me at the moment and it terrified it, too.
Soon, it ran to hide under a car on the middle of the road,
which was stopped because of the red light.
I worried about the kitty since it hideed under a moving mobile.
That could have a highly possibility to get hurt if it did not care and leave the road immediately.
( That is a big road with lots of cars)
Most important is the kitty looks like so young and so weak,
I doubted it does not have enough experiences with how to cross a road.
Hope that kitty had nothing to happen. >_
I felt unrest whether it is safe or not after being scared.
Sorry~ poor kitty.....
♦請好好督促我把遊記乖乖寫完,時間一拉長我就會越來越懶 XD
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- Nov 02 Sun 2008 12:14
a kitty